I am an American Dutchman. I can trace 3/4 (3 great grandfathers, the other quarter being German so there may be slight overlap) of my lineage to Holland, Netherlands, et al. I share innumerable phenotypical and personality characteristics with my Dutch antecedents. I'm stubborn, there's a trope of the stubborn Dutchman. The Dutch are notoriously frugal;people chide me on the cobwebs whenever I have to open my wallet. Always interested in a deal; more for less. I have an MBA from ASU '09. My bailiwick is investing, principly equity(stock) instruments. Interestingly, the first international stock exchange was founded in Amsterdam (1602), which is now Euronext Amsterdam. Nederlanders usually hold a Calvinist spiritual heritage (when they do worship). Calvinism is quite a stubbornly independent faith family. I was educated at a Southern Baptist college and am member of my local Southern Baptist Church. Southern Baptist denomination is in the Calvinist traditionorn. A housemate and myself stream the local service after lunch Sundays via YouTube. I think it really neat that my neighborhood church is tech savvy enough to stream the service. Dutch are innately tech-savvy.
My hair is much the same pailor as my father's hair was at this point in his timeline, i.e. darker brown, but my moustache is the hue of my maternal grandfather's hair, i.e., more auburn. Moustaches run in my family and the generic Dutchman (e.g.Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Dutch Masters et al.)